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Taming Pain: Lessons from the Trenches, NEW 2024 5th Edition

After a year of painstakingly researching new items and re-investigating every piece of information in Taming Pain, Cheryl is so pleased to bring you the completely upgraded 5th Edition of Taming Pain!
Written with all the wit and wisdom that Cheryl is known for, this patient focused book explains how your pain isn't just about bones, muscles, nerves and discs being damaged. You'll learn how every system in the body (including ones you may not even know about) plays a role in your on-going pain. You'll learn the role what you eat, and don't eat, plays in inflammation and on-going pain. Better yet, we will build common sense plans for recovery. All along the way, you will learn ways to know which problems apply to your situation and which plans are right for you.
Designed for patients, essential for therapists, this 218 page book covers key information, self assessment, and battle plans needed to understand and succeed in:
Taming the Nervous System
Taming Stress, the Immune System, Inflammation and the Guts
Taming the Endocrine System
Taming Pain in the Kitchen: Vitamins and Minerals the Right Way
Taming the Puzzle Box Body: Neural-Dural, Fascia, Coccyx, Viscera, Lymph, Referred Pain, and Posture
And for a lively presentation/ discussion of this essential information, please join me at my next TAMING PAIN Webinar, sponsored through The Institute of Physical Art, (registration through their web page).
Taming Pain 2024 Printed Spiral Bound 5th Edition
$45.00 plus S&H
Taming Pain 2024 eBook 5th Edition
$20.00 per
When you purchase an eBook, the transaction is verified by Paypal and we are notified via email. Once notified of valid payment, we will send your copy of the eBook to the email address you provide to Paypal within 24 hours of purchase via DropSend. If you don't see the DropSend email with attachment in your inbox within 24 hours of purchase, it may have been redirected to your spam folder.
We are more than happy to allow printing of limited sections for professional use with patients. Please refrain from printing the book in its entirety for patients. If you would like to have your patient to have their own copy, please direct them to our website for purchase.
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Other Pain Education
For those interested in only the Central Sensitization part of Taming Pain, we have an individual booklet available. Therapists find this booklet very helpful in enhancing a patient's understanding of dysfunction and the rehabilitation of pain. Let our booklet do the explaining for you!
NOTE: Pain: A Love Story is in the FULL TAMING PAIN SPIRAL BOUND EDITION (not unique from Taming Pain)
And I am thrilled to offer you my 2 newest publications:
Restoring the Pain Control System: A Beginner's Guide to Cannabinoids and the Endocannabinoid System (2021)
THE STRESS SYSTEM: Restoring Central Calm to Enhance Health and Control Pain (2022)
Pain: A Love Story

This book represents my best efforts to simplify the very complex concepts proposed by today's researchers in the growing field of the neuro-pain model. The development of the functional MRI (fMRI) has allowed scientists an intimate look into the greatest processor that will ever be created: the human brain. Further, we now understand that our old primitive view that pain is in direct proportion to the structural damage present (the structural pathology model) is, simply put, WRONG.
In Pain: A Love Story, you will learn how the pain that started off with good reason has become a monster that won't leave you alone. You will learn the truth behind chronic pain "and the truth shall set you free"! We will explore what has been called, "the neuromatrix model" by scientist R. Melzack. In his words: "pain is a complex, multisystem, disproportionate response, generated by a network of cells within the central nervous system, in response to an actual or perceived threat". Confused by that statement? Don't worry about it. We have pages and pages to turn you into a powerful member of your pain rehabilitation team. It is my hope that this book serves to supplement the conversations your therapist has had with you about this valuable information. Regardless, the treatment plans outlined in these pages have proven effective with chronic pain patients throughout the globe. In my practice as a physical therapist and as a manual therapist, specializing in caring for the most complex cases, I could not imagine a day without having this information in my arsenal.
Pain: A Love Story Printed Color Booklet
$13.00 plus S&H
Pain: A Love Story eBook
$7.50 per
When you purchase an eBook, the transaction is verified by Paypal and we are notified via email. Once notified of valid payment, we will send your copy of the eBook to the email address you provide to Paypal within 24 hours of purchase.
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The Stress System: Restoring Central Calm to Enhance Health and Control Pain EBOOK

If there was one prevelant issue that the human race will never rid itself of, it'd be the overabundance of stress. You can't sell it, but you sure can buy it. You can't see it, yet it's everywhere. Stress doesn't have a color, but it makes us feel blue and see red. This overabundance, which our society currently can't seem to get rid of, is detrimental to both our mental and physical health!
Fortunately, there is a unique system in the brain and body, THE STRESS SYSTEM, that is designed to capitalize on stress to make you "stronger" and control stress so that it doesn't tear you down! When the Stress System is not functioning correctly, stress can wash over you and lead to poor health and poor pain control.
This booklet is designed to teach you all about the Stress System, the forms of stress and how the Stress System is designed to protect you against all threats! Better yet, I will go through all the strategies that have been researched to bring you Stress System back to full function again. We will cover dietary, nutritional, lifestyle changes and manual therapy for the Vagus nerve.
Don't let stress keep you from feeling better!
space for coming attractions
space for coming attractions
When you purchase an eBook, the transaction is verified by Paypal and we are notified via email. Once notified of valid payment, we will send your copy of the eBook to the email address you provide to Paypal within 24 hours of purchase.
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Restoring the Pain Control System:
A Beginner's Guide to Cannabinoids and the Endocannabinoid System

So many of my patients were asking about the use of CBD in their pain management program that I had to take a deep dive into this topic to safely and accurately answer their questions. What I found AMAZED me! There is an entire system of the body, the Endocannabinoid System (ECS), designed to make your own cannabinoids, which can be supplemented with plant based (phyto) cannabinoids.
The ECS is the overarching system that balances the responses of every other system of the body. When the ECS is healthy and doing its job, your pain is in control, but when it is not functioning correctly, other systems can run wild- resulting in health issues and on-going pain.
In this book, you will learn:
how this system functions
how to restore the ECS to health (so you don't need CBD) through diet and lifestyle modifications
how to safely and effectively supplement with CBD to control your pain if you need to
how to select a trust worthy company for your CBD needs
And for a lively presentation/ discussion of this essential information, please join me at my next Endocannabinoid System Webinar, sponsored through The Institute of Physical Art (register through their webpage).
Restoring the Pain Control System:
A Beginner's Guide to Cannabinoids and the Endocannabinoid System
eBook $18.00
When you purchase an eBook, the transaction is verified by Paypal and we are notified via email. Once notified of valid payment, we will send your copy of the eBook to the email address you provide to Paypal within 24 hours of purchase.
$0.00 per
who knows what I will get into next!!!
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For Our Therapists:
Functional Manual Therapy Exercise Program on USB Flash DRIVE
$150 plus S&H
The Flash Drive can be downloaded onto multiple computers at your facility for one low price, allowing you easy access to 386 unique exercises presented throughout the IPA courses. The Functional Manual Therapy Exercise Program covers material from the CFS/FMI, CBS, FMUT/FMUE, FMLT/FMLE, and PNFI IPA courses. The files are accessed through Adobe and contains files for each individual course, including: easy reference summary sheets for the course's exercises; and print ready patient exercise sheets organized into the categories used in each course.
Each exercise is illustrated and thoroughly described to help your patient get the details right the first time. Our FMT Exercise Program also serves as a useful study and reference guide and helps you choose and progress our Mechanical- Neuromuscular- Motor Planning exercises with ease. Stop drawing those stick figures and start printing today!

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If you are interested in purchasing a Snowman with Hat, or a Peg Tool, please send an email to We will work out the best possible shipping method at cost and send a personal invoice to you for payment.
Snowman with Hat
$25.00 plus S&H

"Snowman with hat and removed hat"
Peg Tools
$15.00 plus S&H

"Peg Tool with extended neck"
$40 plus S&H

"Coccyx Model"

"Coccyx Model in flexion"
"Coccyx Model in neutral"
The Coccyx Model is a useful tool for patient education during evaluation and treatment. Being able to demonstrate the patients actual dysfunctions facilitates informed conscent.
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Using the "Buy Now" button allows you to immediately purchase a single, specific item in a quantity of your choosing. If you purchase multiple single items through "Buy Now" buttons, you will be charged separate shipping and handling on each item bought this way.